How to Beat Worry

Worry is driven by the fear of uncertainty, and being aware of this fear is further acknowledgement that you don’t know what will happen next.

The antidote to worry is not to be passively aware of it, but to take proactive steps to fix it. 切换思维,正面作战。You must commit to understanding the anatomy1 of worry, and then go in like a mechanic to disentangle2 what went wrong.

In a non-worrier’s mind, they’ll shift to problem-solving mode if something can be done, and they’ll shift to neglect mode if nothing can. 也就是,能解决的问题,立刻动手去解决;解决不了的,听天由命,不去多想。

Three Ds

  1. Decide - 遇到问题时,先考虑可做的事情,并给出自己的选择,但不真正去做
  2. Do Nothing - 冷静 24 小时
  3. Decide Again - 再回顾第一点的选择是否合理,如果是,那就立即执行

The Worry Replacement


有时,更大的问题,可以被视作为挑战。worry is a self-destructive force, while challenge is a self-actualizing one.


  1. When a worry arises, notice that there’s only one question that matters: “Is there anything I can do about it?”
  2. If the answer is “Yes, I can do something about it,” then put your decision through the Three D’s.
  3. If the answer is “No, I can’t do anything about it,” then replace the worry with a challenge to direct your attention to something more fruitful.


  1. 解剖学 ↩︎

  2. 理顺;使解脱 ↩︎

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