A Framework for Knowledge

[!important] Attentional Capital A measurement used to determine the depth of how we arrive at a piece of information

  • Having a high AC means that you have obtained your information through focused and objective research, tested your findings with other individuals, and would be open to changing your position if presented with sufficient evidence to do so.
  • Having a low AC means that you reactively believe whatever comes across your news feed, refuse to dialogue with others about your beliefs, and hold onto your beliefs in a dogmatic and tribal manner.


# Four Stages to knowledge(v.)

  • Increase the quality of your awareness to find the best seeds (Select your information source)
  • Cultivate curiosity to sprout and strengthen your roots (Be curious and keep learning)
  • Diligently mine information and build skill sets to grow your tree (From knowing to knowledge)
  • Produce and distribute seeds of your own to constantly iterate on what you (think you) know (Contribute to society?)


# The Wisdom

  • Discovering new things
  • Learning more about these things
  • Using these things to improve one’s treatment of self and others
  • Being honest about what is known
  • Being honest about what is unknown
  • Establishing trust by doing what is right

# References

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