- When you get lots of rejections you stop fearing it. This makes you unstoppable.
- Busyness is a sign of poverty that will eventually lead to personal bankruptcy.
- Prioritize 2–3 goals and ditch the rest.
- The world wants you to be normal. Fuck being normal. That’s when being extraordinary becomes impossible.
- Most people don’t want to go to work. They just don’t know what else to do.
- Watch how people treat service workers. It tells you a lot about their character.
- 从对待公众服务人员的态度上看出 ta 的品性
- Working for yourself means you can earn less income than a normal salary and still make more due to tax reasons.
- Finding out you’re going to be a parent is one of the greatest feelings in the world.
- Everything in life has a price.
- 所有事物都是明码标价的
- Life is you versus who you were 12 months ago. All other competition is bullshit.
- 只有你还在成长,那么一切就还有希望
- When tragedy strikes and you go quiet, the people who reach out are your true friends.
- 患难见真情
- Every email you send is likely to attract another email.
- 主动出击,寻找机会
- Personal growth only happens when we struggle. Adversity should be sought out, not avoided.
- The best moments in my life were completely random. The overly scheduled life is a nightmare.
- 没有程序化的生活
- Real relationships are built with small talk.
- 真正的感情在于生活中的一点一滴
- Not knowing what to do and taking action anyway is a superpower.
- 迷茫时能够往前迈步的是真正的勇者
- Success makes many people go crazy. Your ego can make or break you.
- Know what you want in life or you’ll get plenty of what you don’t want.
- The power of focusing on one thing will change your life.
- People buy into you based on emotion. Show it, or attract zero opportunities.
- The best life experiences make you nostalgic later on.
- Taking things for granted is a slow demise into madness. Be grateful.
- 没有任何事物是理所应当的
- 要认清现在的基石,这样才能够去应对黑天鹅事件
- A person who thinks too much about themselves accidentally destroys their life.
- Every conversation in a DM is a potential opportunity that’s not obvious.
- The person we lie to the most is ourselves.
- 总是对自己说谎
- 总是立下完不成的计划
- 总是怀抱着无法实现的梦想
- Your idols have made terrible mistakes you may one day discover. Assume everyone is imperfect to not be disappointed.
- 降低期望,则不会失望
- Stop attending ceremonies of people you don’t give a shit about. Less friends, more deep relationships.
- 减少不必要的人际关系
- Living life is more important than a career. Reverse the order.
- 工作是生活的一部分
- 工作是为了更好的生活质量
- 不要颠倒其因果关系
- Those who accept suffering achieve greatness. Those who avoid it go nowhere.
- 不逃避那些必经的苦难
- Your life can completely change in a year.
- You should be embarrassed by who you were 1 year ago. Otherwise you haven’t grown enough.
- 当你认为以前的自己蠢不可耐时,就证明你有所成长了
- True wealth is having no one tell you what to do.
- Experiment in life so you take a few risks. A risk that can’t bankrupt you is a good one.
- 承担一定的风险,去获取可观的利益
- 而不是承担破产的风险,去获取庞大的利益
- Success in life comes down to what you’re willing to give up.
- 时间精力有限,需要放弃不必要的事物
- Most people move too slowly. Shorten how long it takes to achieve your big goals. An urgent agenda is one that gets done.
- Turn a habit into a lifestyle.
- When you stop having big dreams that’s when you’ve died, despite not being buried yet.