- Being that young rock-star/ninja will end some day and you’ll have to survive on raw effort and tenacity.
- 成长需要接受自己的平凡
- Time doing things that make you truly happy is not wasted time.
- H.R. is not on your side, ever.
- 千万不要轻易共情
- Promises of future compensation or promotion are meaningless.
- 未来完全不可靠,别做白日梦了
- Spend more time outdoors.
- Learn a hobby or skill that doesn’t involve a screen.
- 无关时代背景,一直可以坚持的事情
- Your health isn’t worth what they’re paying.
- A business relationship is just that and nothing more.
- By the time you are 30 you will be “both too young and too old”
- Too old to continue getting away with that jerk behavior
- Too young to know how to stop being that jerk
- Physical appearance matters. How you dress matters. It’s not everything, but it’s more than zero.
- Most of what we are taught, told, believe, spew will more than likely not withstand the test of time.
- Don’t make the same mistake.
- 站在台上分享的时候,不可以说自己准备不足,没有准备,这是对台下听众,对主办方的不尊重
- 向别人提出问题之前,自己要尽可能深入的去思考答案,并把思考过程讲出来,这样,别人才知道你遇到的真正问题是什么