The Quest to the Unlived Life


# 三大拦路虎 & 解决方案


# Laziness - Perception 懒惰

  • The stronger the regret associated with that laziness, the more the endeavor actually means to you.
  • A broadly defined goal is Laziness’ best friend, as the hugeness of it will constantly freak you out.
  • Instead of viewing a goal as something to be reached in its sheer totality, treat each day as a compartment that has its own small aspiration attached to it.

# Self Doubt - Reflection 自我怀疑

  • As you continue investing time and effort into your endeavor, you notice that things aren’t as easy as you thought they’d be.
  • Underneath the rough texture of Self-Doubt’s immediate appearance, you will notice that its skin is made up of everything you’ve once loved, everything you once cared deeply about, and everything you’ve also failed at as well.
  • Evaluating its presence throughout your journey is critical to understand your relationship with the endeavor, and it’s important to remind yourself that it ultimately is a reflection of love.

# Uncertainty - Inner Child 不确定性

  • The over-identification of ourselves with this one pursuit exaggerates its magnitude, blurring out everything else and fogging up what life actually looks like.
  • We need to analyze the ways we react to Uncertainty, and try to understand what’s going on underneath-the-hood of these emotions.
  • Stay curious, ask what and how.

# References

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