- 睡眠的好坏,并不完全由睡眠时长决定,而是要保证睡眠质量
- 平时经常睡不够,利用周末补觉也于事无补
- 在睡前进行运动制造疲劳感并不能提高睡眠质量
- 睡前喝酒可能对睡眠质量不利
- 使用助眠类补剂和安眠药要谨慎
- 成年人每晚需要拥有 1.5~2 小时的深度睡眠,才能基本保证第二天头脑清醒,精神充沛。
- R90 - 以 90 分钟作为一个睡眠周期,包括非眼动睡眠、眼动睡眠和快速眼动睡眠
- 一个完整的睡眠一般包括 4~6 个睡眠周期
- 一周保证 28~35 个睡眠周期最为理想
睡前醒后的黄金 90 分钟
- 睡前的 90 分钟要为睡眠创造足够的条件和环境,比如停止进食或消耗性的剧烈运动,让胃里的食物得到充分消化,让身体得到平静,在空间上充分感受睡眠氛围。
- 醒后的 90 分钟要为一天的开始做准备,逐渐唤醒大脑,比如喝杯咖啡、认真吃早餐,如果时间充足的情况下还可以做一些简单的运动,激发自己的身体。
- 压力和焦虑
- 饮食摄入影响 「饮食时间段」
- 睡眠环境影响 「温/湿度」
- 心理健康问题 「抑郁/焦虑」
- 身体病症问题
- 睡眠日志需要详细记录与睡眠相关的信息,为了更全面的帮助查找睡眠问题的真正原因,甚至可以把身体和心理状况,外界环境都记录下来
- 当天的用药、饮品「咖啡、茶、酒、功能性饮料等」、运动情况
- 白天是否小睡,以及睡眠时间
- 睡前吃了什么,喝了什么
- 卧室的温度和湿度或者卧室氛围的整体感受
- 上床的时间,中间醒来几次,起床时间
- 身体是否有疼痛或不适
- 是否做梦,是否有噩梦
- 第二天醒来的精神如何,是否影响了工作生活
- 利用外界条件观察睡眠中是否存在说梦话、打呼噜等情况
睡眠记录 APP
除了记录睡眠时间和智能闹钟的功能之外,还可以用相机的闪光灯来检测睡前醒后的心率变化,有些 APP 还会提供录音功能,记录下夜晚入睡后是否说梦话或者磨牙。
- 睡前准备
- 避免进食、饮酒和剧烈运动
- 远离电子屏幕、手机、电脑和电视屏幕等,避免蓝光照射影响到体内促进睡眠的褪黑素分泌
- 室内光线调整为暖色调
- 检查卧室的温湿度「夏季 25 度,冬季 22-23 度,湿度在 50~60%」
- 床上细节
- 避免胡思乱想
- 尝试冥想和深呼吸
- 掌握正确「合适」的睡姿
- 清晨起床
- 保持固定的时间起床
- 沐浴阳光,以抑制褪黑素的分泌,让睡眠周期归零
- 保持早餐的习惯
- 午间小憩
- 在正午 12 点至下午 3 点间,午休 15~30 分钟
- 午睡超过半小时就会变成正式睡眠,再次清醒恢复状态需要更长时间,且会影响晚间入睡
- 卧室温湿度
- 空间布置和灯光
- 建立起「上床即睡觉」的大脑认知
- 暖光小夜灯
- 寝具
- 床垫
- 合适的床垫需要起到均衡全身体重的作用
How Much Deep, Light, REM Sleep Do You Need
Four Stages of Sleep
- Drift from being awake to being asleep - light, REM
- Drifting into a steadier sleep - light
- Enter deep sleep
- Your breathing, heartbeat, body temperature, and brain waves reach their lowest levels
- Your muscles are extremely relaxed, and you are most difficult to rouse
- The deepest sleep
- The healing stage
- When tissue growth and repair take place
- Important hormones are released to do their jobs
- Cellular energy is restored
- In health adults, about 13 to 23 percent of your sleep is deep sleep
- For 8 hours a night, that’s roughly 62 ~ 110 minutes
- As you get older, you require less deep sleep
Deep Sleep Stage
- Memories are consolidated
- Learning and emotions process
- Physical recovery occurs
- Blood sugar levels and metabolism balance out
- The immune system is energized
- The brain detoxifies
How to Increase Deep Sleep
- Reducing stress
- Establishing sleep rituals and routines
- Using an eye mask to block out light
- Sleeping in a cool room
- Exercising
- Eating a healthy diet
- Listening to white or pink noise
- Brainwave entain-ment
- Meditation
Why You May Be Waking up Tired
- General sleep disorder
- Obstructive sleep apnea
- Not getting enough sleep
- Getting too much sleep
- Other health conditions that cause fatigue
Impact of Sleep Deprivation on the Body
- Memory troubles
- Mood changes
- Weakened immunity
- Trouble concentrating
- Poor response time and increased risk of accidents
- High blood pressure
- Weight gain
- Risk for diabetes
- Low sex drive
- Risk of heart disease
- Poor balance
- Early Aging
- View sunlight by going outside within 30-60 minutes of waking. Do that again in the late afternoon, prior to sunset. 接触阳光的必要性
- Wake up at the same time each day and go to sleep when you first start to feel sleepy. 保持规律的作息
- Avoid caffeine with 8-10 hours of bedtime. 别喝咖啡还有茶
- If you have sleep disturbances, insomnia, or anxiety about sleep, try the research-support protocols on the Reveri app. 尝试助眠 APP
- Avoid viewing bright lights, especially bright overhead lights between 10pm and 4am. 睡眠周期内避免强光
- Limit daytime naps to less then 90 min, or don’t nap at all. 考虑合适的午休时间
- If you wake up in the middle of night, but you can’t fall back asleep, consider doing an NSDR1 protocol when you wake up. 对应夜间的不眠现象
- Expect to feel really alert ~1 hour before your natural bedtime. 做好睡眠准备
- Keep the room you sleep in cool and dark and layer on blankets that you can remove. 准备好环境
- Drinking alcohol messes up your sleep. As do most sleep medications. 别喝酒、吃药
- Kids (and indeed all of us) have changing sleep need over time. Adjust accordingly. 维持一个自适应的睡眠周期
Non-Sleep Deep Rest protocols are easy techniques that help you rest your brain.
Non-Sleep Deep Rest protocols take just 10-20 minutes and options include self-hypnosis, Yoga Nidra or even a short nap!
They have been scientifically proven to increase your ability to learn, reduce stress, feel calm and fall asleep easier.