Interview - Preparation

# Emphasized the following topics for DSA round

  • Graph: BFS, DFS, Topological sort, Shortest Path
  • Tree: Binary tree, Binary search Tree, N child tree
  • Trie: Prefix search, Word search with counts
  • Disjoint set union
  • Heap: Median in a stream, Sliding window maximum, Top k elements
  • Binary Search: Lower bound, Upper bound, Questions where binary search is not the obvious choice
  • Sliding window and 2 pointers based questions
  • Dynamic programming
  • Strings: KMP, String sorting
  • Adhoc questions on the application of Array, Stack, Queue, HashMap, TreeMap

# System design preparation

# Key Takeaways

# from rohitverma

  • Develop a solid grasp of data structures and their applications. Tree questions were a recurring theme in three rounds of my interview.
  • Google emphasizes the quality of your solution, unlike META, where speed is the primary focus.
  • The responses to follow-up questions carry significant weight.
  • Be prepared for lengthy problems and writing substantial code during the interview.
  • Some follow-up questions may delve into complexities related to implementing your solution in a production environment.

# from ricbedin

  • Interviewing is a skill and it does not reflect how good you are as a software engineer
    • learn how to master it
    • apply it in a simulated environment
    • reflect on feedback
  • Your job is to convice whoever is interviewing you that you can do the job
  • Each interview is an encapsulated experience
  • do as many interviews as possible, starting form the lowest priority ones
  • try to align your top-tier companies’ timelines as closely as possible
  • do not let other people experience affect your view of your own process
  • pay for mock interviews

# References

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