Leetcode Problems
- Longest substring without repeating characters
- longest palindromic substring
- zigzag conversion
- string to integer
- Integer to roman
- roman to integer
- letter combinations of a phone number
- valid parentheses
- generate parentheses
- implement strStr()
- substring with concatenation of all words
- longest valid parentheses
- multiply strings
- group anagrams
- add binary
- simplify path
- minimum window substring
- decode ways
- restore IP addresses
- interleaing String
- distinct subsequences
- valid palindrome
- word ladder II
- reverse words in a string
- basic calculator II
- reverse string
- reverse vowels of a string
- mini parser
- first unique chracter in a string
- complex number multiplication
- reverse string II
- reverse words in a string III
- delete operation for two strings
- find duplicate file in system
- smallest range convering elements from k lists
- palindromic substrings
- count binary substrings
- to lower case
- reorganize string
- ambiguous coordinates
- most common word
- split array into fibonacci sequence
- score of parentheses
- find and replace pattern
- word subsets
- long pressed name
- vowel spellchecker
- check if word is valid after substitutions
- defanging an IP address
- compare strings by frequency of the smallest character
- maximum number of balloons
- split a string in balanced strings
- replace the substring for balanced strings
- minimum remove to make valid parentheses
- search suggestions system
- remove palindromic subsequences
- check if a word occurs as a prefix of any word in a sentence
- check f a string contains all binary codes of size k
- number of ways to split a string
- maximum nesting depth of the parentheses
- largest substring between two equal characters
- minimum deletions to make string balanced
- check if two string arrays are equivalent
- maximum repeating substring
- goal parser interpretation
- count the number of consistent strings
- reformat phone number
- determine if string halves are alike
- latest time by replacing hidden digits
ZigZag Conversion