- paretheses pairing
- monotuous stack
- valid parentheses
- trapping rain water
- simplify path
- largest rectangle in histogram
- binary tree inorder traversal
- binary tree zigzag level order traversal
- bianry tree preorder traversal
- bianry tree postorder traversal
- evaluate reverse polish notation
- min stack
- binary search tree iterator
- basic calculator
- implement stack using queues
- basic calculator II
- implement queue using stacks
- verify preorder serialization of a binary tree
- flatten nested list iterator
- mini parser
- decode string
- remove k digits
- 132 pattern
- next greater element I
- next greater element II
- exclusive time of functions
- baseball game
- number of atoms
- asteroid collision
- daily temperatures
- backspace string compare
- scroe of parentheses
- decoded string at index
- maximum frequency stack
- online stock span
- sum of subarray minimums
- minimum add to make parentheses valid
- validate stack sequences
- check if word is valid after substitutions
- next greater node in linked list
- remove outermost parentheses
- remove all adjacent duplicates in string
- reverse substrings between each pair of parentheses
- remove all adjacent duplicates in string II
- minimum remove to make valid parentheses
- find the most competitive subsequence
Valid Parenthesis