- to find the max/min value
- longest increasing subsequence
- minimum edit distance
- three components
- repeated sub-problem
- best sub-structure
- status change formula
- longest palindromic substring
- longest valid parentheses
- trapping rain water
- maximum subarray
- unique paths
- unique paths II
- minimum path sum
- climbing stairs
- decode ways
- unique BSTs II
- unique BSTs
- interleaving string
- triangle
- best time to buy and sell stock
- palindrome partitioning
- maximum product subarray
- dungeon game
- house robber
- house robber II
- ugly number II
- perfect squares
- longest increasing subsequence
- range sum query - immutable
- range sum query 2D - immutable
- best time to buy and sell stock with cooldown
- coin change
- house robber III
- counting bits
- integer break
- russian doll envelopes
- count numbers with unique digits
- largest divisible subset
- wiggle subsequence
- combination sum IV
- is subsequence
- split array larget sum
- arithmetic slices
- partition equal subset sum
- ones and zeroes
- target sum
- continuous subarray sum
- shopping offers
- palingromic substrings
- best time to buy and sell stock with transaction fee
- maximum length of repeated subarray
- min cost climbing stairs
- push dominoes
- stone game
- super egg drop
- bitwise ORs of subarrays
- number of music playlists
- binary tree cameras
- longest turbulent subarray
- divisor game
- longest string chain
- last stone weight II
- number of submatrices that sum to target
- filling bookcase shelves
- longest common subsequence
- maximum profit in job scheduling
- maximum points you can obtain from cards
- cherry pickup II
- count sorted vowel strings
- minimum jumps to reach home
- distribute repeating integers
- maxmize grid happiness
- ways to make a fair array
- stone game VII
- maximum height by stacking cubolds
Coin Change
Odd Even Jump
- use TreeMap to find next great/less number
- use two array to simulate the dp array, bottom to top solution