Code Templates
- Two Sum
- Median of two sorted arrays
- container with most water
- 3Sum
- 3Sum Closest
- 4Sum
- Remove Duplicates from Sorted Array
- Remove Element
- Next Permutation
- Search in Rotated Sorted Array
- Find first and last position of element in sorted array
- search insert position
- combination sum
- combination sum II
- first missing positive
- trappint rain water
- jump game II
- rotate image
- maximum subarray
- spiral matrix
- jump game
- merge intervals
- insert interval
- spiral matrix II
- unique paths
- unique paths II
- minimum path sum
- plus one
- set matrix zeroes
- search a 2D matrix
- sort colors
- subsets
- word search
- remove duplicates from sorted array II
- largest rectangle in histogram
- merge sorted array
- subsets II
- construct binary tree from preorder and inorder Traversal
- construct binary tree from Inorder and Postorder Traversal
- pscal’s triangle
- pasal’s triangle II
- Triangle
- best time to buy and sell stock
- best time to buy and sell stock II
- word ladder II
- longest consecutive sequence
- maximum product subarray
- find minimum in rotated sorted array
- find minimum in rotated sorted array II
- find peak element
- two sum - input array is sorted
- majority element
- rotate array
- minimum size subarray sum
- combination sum III
- contains duplicate
- contains duplicate II
- summary ranges
- majority element II
- missing number
- move zeroes
- find the duplicate number
- third maximum number
- find all numbers disppeared in an array
- circular array loop
- max consecutive ones
- fibonacci number
- k-diff pairs in an array
- array partition I
- reshape the matrix
- shortest unsorted continuous subarray
- can place flowers
- maximum product of three times
- maximum product of three numbers
- maximum average subarray I
- image smoother
- non-decreasing array
- beautiful arrangement II
- longest continuous increasing subsequence
- max area of island
- degree of an array
- subarray product less than K
- best time to buy and sell stock with transaction fee
- 1-bit and 2bit characters
- maximum length of repeated subarray
- find pivot index
- my calendar I
- min cost climbing stairs
- toeplitz matrix
- global and local inversions
- number of subarrarys with bounded maximum
- positions of large groups
- flipping an image
- transpose matrix
- advantage shuffle
- fair candy swap
- sum of subsequence widths
- monotonic
- array
- sum of sumarray minimums
- x of a kind in a deck of cards
- maximum sum circular subarray
- sort array by parity II
- pancake sorting
- squares of a sorted array
- longest turbulent subarray
- sum of even numbers after queries
- add to array-form of integer
- available captures for rook
- find common characters
- capacity to ship packages within D days
- binary prefix divisible by 5
- moving stones until consecutive II
- height checker
- grumpy bookstore owner
- number of submatrices that sum to target
- duplicate zeros
- relative sort array
- number of equivalent domino pairs
- online majority element in subarray
- find words that can be formed by characters
- compare string by frequency of the smallest character
- distance between bus stops
- day of the week
- minimum absolute difference
- smallest string with swaps
- get equal substrings within budget
- minimum cost to move chips to the same position
- check if it is a straight line
- cells with oodd values in a matrix
- shift 2d grid
- minimum time visiting all points
- find winner on a tic tac toe game
- element appearing more then 25% in sorted array
- reaplace elements with greatest element on right side
- sum of mutated array closest to target
- find n unique integers sum up to zero
- decompress run-length encoded list
- sort the matrix diagonally
- the K weakest rows in a matrix
- lucky numbers in a matrix
- find the distance value between two arrays
- create target array in the given order
- maximum points you can obtain from cards
- check if all 1’s are at least length K places away
- longest continuous subarray with absolute diff less than or equal to limit
- count triplets that can form two arrays of equal XOR
- maximum product of two elements in an array
- maximum area of a piece of cake after horizontal and vertical cuts
- shuffle the array
- running sum of 1d array
- minimum number of days to make m bouquets
- XOR operations in an array
- number of good pairs
- kth missing positive number
- matrix diagonal sum
- special array with x elements greater than or equal x
- mean of array after removing some elements
- slowest key
- sort array by increasing frequency
- check array formation through concatenation
- get maximum in generated array
- defuse the bomb
- design an ordered stream
- richest customer wealth
- number of students unable to eat lunch
- find the highest altitude
- find kth largest xor corrdinate value
- maximum number of balls in a box
- sum of unique elements
- check if array is sorted and rotated
- minimum changes to make alternating binary string
two pointers
- longest substring without repeating characters
- container with most water
- 3Sum
- 3Sum Closest
- 4Sum
- remove Nth node from end of list
- remove duplicate from sorted array
- remove element
- implement strStr()
- substring with concatenation of all words
- trapping rain water
- rotate list
- sort colors
- minimum window substring
- remove duplicates from sorted array II
- partition list
- merge sorted array
- valid palindrome
- linked list cycle
- linked list cycle II
- longest substring with at most two distinct characters
- two sum II - input array is sorted
- minimum size subarray sum
- palindrome linked list
- 3Sum smaller
- move zeroes
- find the duplicate number
- reverse string
- reverse vowels of a string
- intersection of two arrays
- intersection of two arrays II
- sort transformed array
- longest repeating chracter replacement
- circular array loop
- max consecutive ones II
- longtest word in dictionary through deleting
- k-diff pairs in an array
- permutation in string
- smallest range covering elements from k lists
- subarray product less than k
- candy crush
- partition labels
- most profit assigning work
- unique letter string
- push dominoes
- backspace string compare
- longest mountain in array
- boats to save people
- fruit into baskets
- 3sum with multiplicity
- long pressed name
- binary subarrays with sum
- squares of a sorted array
- interval list intersections
- subarrays with k different integers
- max consecutive ones III
- statistics from a large sample
- replace the substring for balanced string
- minimum operations to reduce x to zero
move zeroes
container with most water
rotate array