Serverless in AWS
- AWS Lambda (not PHP)
- increasing RAM also improve CPU & network
- Lambda Container Image
- the container image must implement the Lambda Runtime API
- ECS /
is preferred for running arbitrary OCI images
- Pricing
- pay per call
- $0.2 per 1 million requests
- pay per duration (in increment of 1ms)
- pay per call
- Lambda Limits - per Region
- Execution
- Memory allocation: 128 MB – 10GB (1 MB increments)
- Maximum execution time: 900 seconds (15 minutes)
- Environment variables (4 KB)
- Disk capacity in the “function container” (in /tmp): 512 MB to 10GB
- Concurrency executions: 1000 (can be increased)
- Deployment
- Lambda function deployment size (compressed .zip) 50MB
- Size of uncompressed deployment (code + dependencies) 250MB
- Can use the /tmp directory to load other files at startup
- Size of environment variables: 4KB
- Execution
- SnapStart
- improves performance up to 10x at no extra cost for java 11 and above
- Edge Function
- CloudFront Functions (JS)
- high-scale, latency-sensitive CDN customizations
- millions of requests/second
- used to change viewer requests and responses
- use cases
- cache key normalization
- header manipulation
- url rewrites or redirects
- request authentication & authorization
- Lambda@Edge (NodeJS, Python) ($$$)
- scales to 1000s of requests/second
- used to change CloudFront requests and responses
- longer execution time
- adjustable CPU or memory
- CloudFront Functions (JS)
- Dynamo DB
- Cognito
- API Gateway
- S3
- Kinesis Data Firehose
- Aurora Serverless
- Step Functions
- by default, lambda function is launched outside your own VPC (in an AWS-owned VPC)
- lambda in VPC
- must define the VPC ID, subnets, security groups
- Lambda will create an ENI in your subnets
- with RDS Proxy
- lambda function must be deployed inside your VPC, because RDS proxy is never publicly accessible
- Invoking Lambda from RDS & Aurora
- allows to process data events from within a database
- supports RDS for Postgres and Aurora MySQL
- must allow outbound traffic to Lambda function
- DB instance must have the required permissions to invoke Lambda
- Fully managed, highly available with replication across multiple AZ
- NoSQL database - not a relational database - with transaction support
- Scales to massive workloads, distributed database
- Millions of requests per seconds, trillions of row, 100s of TB of storage
- Fast and consistent in performance (single-digit millisecond)
- Integrated with IAM for security, authorization and administration
- Low cost and auto-scaling capabilities
- No maintenance or patching, always available
- Standard & Infrequent Access (IA) Table Class
- can rapidly evolve schemas
- read/write capacity modes
- provisioned mode (default)
- pay for provisioned RCU/WCU
- possibility to add auto-scaling mode
- on-demand mode (more expensive)
- pay for what you use
- provisioned mode (default)
- DynamoDB Accelerator (DAX)
- in-memory cache
- microseconds latency for cached data
- default 5 minutes TTL
- Stream processing
- ordered stream of item-level modifications (create/update/delete) in a table
- 24 hours retention
- limited of consumers
- use cases
- react to changes in real-time
- real-time usage analytics
- insert into derivative tables
- implement cross-region replication
- invoke Lambda on changes to your DynamoDB table
- Global Tables
- low latency in multiple-regions
- two-way (active-active) replication
- applications can READ and WRITE to the table in any region
- must enable dynamoDB Streams as a pre-requisite
- inherited TTL feature
- automatically delete items after an expiry timestamp
- backups for DR
- continuous backups using point-in-time recovery
- optionally enabled for the last 35 days
- the recovery process creates a new table
- on-demand backups
- full backups for long-term retention, until explicitly deleted
- doesn’t affect performance or latency
- can be configured and managed in AWS Backup (enable cross-region copy)
- the recovery process creates a new table
- continuous backups using point-in-time recovery
- integration with [[aws-s3|S3]]
- export to S3 (must enable PITR)
- import from s3
- each table has a primary key (must be configured at creation time)
- each table can have an infinite number of items (rows)
- each item has attributes (can be added over-time, can be null)
- maximum size of an item is 400KB
- data types
- scalar types - string, number, binary, boolean, null
- document types - list, map
- set types - string set, number set, binary set
- update schema at need
API Gateway
- AWS Lambda + API Gateway: No infrastructure to manage
- Support for the WebSocket Protocol
- Handle API versioning (v1, v2…)
- Handle different environments (dev, test, prod…)
- Handle security (Authentication and Authorization)
- Create API keys, handle request throttling
- Swagger / Open API import to quickly define APIs
- Transform and validate requests and responses
- Generate SDK and API specifications
- Cache API responses
- high level integration
- lLambda function
- AWS Service
- endpoint types
- edge-optimized (default) - for global clients
- requests are routed through the CloudFront edge locations
- the API gateway still lives in only one region
- regional
- private
- can only be accessible from your VPC using an interface VPC endpoint
- use a resource policy to define access
- edge-optimized (default) - for global clients
- security
- user authentication through
- IAM Roles - internal applications
- Cognito - external users
- Custom Authorizer
- custom domain name HTTPS
- security through integration with ACM
- if using edge-optimized endpoint, then the certificate must be in us-east-1
- if using regional endpoint, the certificate must be in the API gateway region
- must setup CNAME or A-alias record in Route53
- user authentication through
Step Functions
Serverless + Lambda
- build serverless visual workflow to orchestrate your lambda functions
- features - sequence, parallel, conditions, timeouts, error handling
- integration - EC2, ECS, on-premises servers, API Gateway, SQS, etc…
Amazon Cognito
- give users an identity to interact with our web or mobile application
- Cognito user pools
- integrate with API gateway & ALB
- user features
- create a serverless database of user for your web & mobile apps
- password reset
- federated identities: FB, GOOGLE, SAML
- Cognito identity pools (federated identity)
- Get identities for “users” so they obtain temporary AWS credentials
- users source can be CUP, 3^rd party logins, etc…
- users can then access AWS services directly or through API Gateway
- Default IAM roles for authenticated and guest users
- Cognito vs IAM - hundreds of users, mobile users, authenticate with SAML