- Amazon Elastic Container Service (ECS)
- Launch Type
- EC2
- must provision and maintain the infrastructure
- EC2 instance profile (EC2 launch type)
- used by the ECS Agent
- make API calls to ECS services
- send container logs to CloudWatch logs, pull image from ECR
- reference sensitive data in Secrets Manager or SSM Parameter Store
- ECS Task Role
- allows each task to have a specific role
- defined in the task definition
- Load Balancer
- ALB is just OK
- NLB - AWS PrivateLink
- ECS Data Volume
+ EFS = serverless
- ECS Auto Scaling - task level
- Target Tracking - a specific cloud-watch metric
- Step Scaling - a specific cloud-watch alarm
- Scheduled Scaling
- ECS tasks invoked by EventBridge (schedule)
- amazon’s own serverless container platform
- works with ECS and EKS
- Amazon ECR (Elastic Container Registry)
- Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Services (EKS)
- EC2 or
- managed node groups & self-managed nodes
- data volumes
- StorageClass
- CSI compliant driver
- collect logs and metrics using cloud-watch container insights
- Amazon AppRunner - Serverless
- deploy web applications and APIs at scale
- no infra experience required
- automatically builds and deploy the web app
- automatic scaling, HA, LB, encryption
- VPC access support