解决 Win11 下 Desktop Window Manager GPU 占用过高问题
Settings -> Display -> Graphics -> Change default graphics settings
关闭 Hardware-accelerated GPU scheduling 选项
观察 Chrome 同步状态
强制同步标签页的基本方法: 新增、删除一个标签页
MacOS Syncthing 使用
使用 syncthing 同步时,自动创建的文件夹,主目录的权限针对当前用户是可读、可写的,而里面的子目录都是近可读的,就会产生十分神奇的现象。
Install GraalVM on Macos
Navigate to GraalVM Releases repository on GitHub. Select Java 11 based or Java 17 based distribution for macOS, and download.
Unzip the archive.
tar -xzf graalvm-ce-java<version>-darwin-amd64-<version>.tar.gz
Alternatively, open the file in Finder.
Note: If you are using macOS Catalina and later you may need to remove the quarantine attribute:
sudo xattr -r -d com.apple.quarantine /path/to/graalvm
Move the downloaded package to its proper location, the
directory. Since this is a system directory,sudo
is required:1
sudo mv graalvm-ce-java<version>-<version> /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines
To verify if the move is successful and to get a list of all installed JDKs, run
/usr/libexec/java_home -V
. -
There can be multiple JDKs installed on the machine. The next step is to configure the runtime environment:
Point the
environment variable to the GraalVMbin
export PATH=/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/<graalvm>/Contents/Home/bin:$PATH
Set the
environment variable to resolve to the GraalVM installation directory:1
export JAVA_HOME=/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/<graalvm>/Contents/Home
To check whether the installation was successful, run the
java -version
突破 Chrome 证书无效限制
在 Chrome 的错误页面,点页面空白处一下让键盘焦点处于页面内,然后依次按下 thisisunsafe,即可忽略证书错误